Saturday 28 May 2016

Katy Perry's Dad Calls Her a "Devil Child" And Asks People to Pray For Her

Katy Perry's Dad Calls Her a "Devil Child" And Asks People to Pray For Her. Does this mean that her own father is ready to expose her alleged connection with the Illuminati? Watch now.

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Mark Dice is a media analyst and bestselling author who specializes in exposing the power mainstream media and celebrities have on shaping our culture. He has been featured on the History Channel's Decoded, Ancient Aliens, and America's Book of Secrets; Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more. His viral videos have received more than 150 million views and have received international media attention. READ MARK'S BOOKS

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The Illuminati in Hollywood

COMMENTS • 2,476

Sunday 15 May 2016

¡Katy Perry se desmaya en pleno concierto!?

179950132_DR_Katy_Perry_01_123_595lo.jpg (686×1024)

179950132_DR_Katy_Perry_01_123_595lo.jpg (686×1024)

Singer Natalie Grant Walks Out of Grammys After Katy Perry's "Satanic" P...

perry dildo up ass

owl 49 KATY PERRY represents ISIS the Whore of Babylon and she enters the
stadium riding ‘The Beast’

The Whore of Babylon or The Great Prostitute or Babylon the Great is a
Christian figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation In
the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of
Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth."

She likely symbolizes Sin and the 7 vices or 7 demons that Jesus has exorcised
and also represents an empire in the real world of the time, America with
similarities to the Roman or Egyptian empires of the past, including having
great military strength and the use of slavery in the construction of the
empire. She rides the first beast which is likely Death (see The Beast
(Revelation)), and symbolizes Sin leading to Death. Like all empires of the
past, it will fall, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation chapter 18. The
Bible reads in portions "Let one with understanding solve the

(Jesus and therefore GOD married the Whore of Babylon Katy Perry in June 2014
when she carried the STDs and venereal plague but after several exorcisms Katy
wanted children so the Lord God Almighty was summoned to rid Katy of the
diseases and make her fresh and clean for his son to Father her twins and what
does the dirty fucker do? Straight out with ex boyfriends and new pickups while
Katy leaves Jesus penniless in a council project with no food no money and
conjures up Black Magic Spells to disable him and provides photos of her

Jesus has bad fortune to be married to the Whore one Katy Perry a most sinful
woman who meets both criteria 1) She fornicates with hundreds of men in her
pornography unprotected and 2) Caught venereal diseases incurable so bad it was
a plague and GOD himself has to rid Katy Perry of this abomination SHE CANNOT
take yourself a wife of harlotry

And children of harlotry,

For the land has committed great harlotry

By departing from the LORD." (Hosea 1:2 NKJV)[34]

also believed that the primary location of this unfaithful church is Hollywood

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Whore of Babylon represents "the
world empire of false religion",[44] referring to all other religious
groups including, but not limited to, Christendom, which they use to refer to
"professed Christianity" as opposed to their own "true
Christianity". Jehovah's Witnesses literature often mentions Hollywood the
centre of false idols those who are revered by the sheep as Idols but only
offer porn drug abuse and standards of life that should be unseen by good men
let alone the children discussing the Great Harlot of Babylon and the
subsequent attack on her by the political powers, signalling the beginning of
the "great tribulation".[45][46] They believe that the empire of
false religion has persecuted God's people, and that 'false religion' has
committed "fornication" with the world's political and commercial

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
International Version uses "prostitutes" instead of
"harlots"]. Katy Perry is known as MOM and is a prostitute to the
porn industry.

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
["Fornication" is interpreted/translated as "idolatry" in
the Amplified Bible (AMP), the New American Bible mentions

The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by
connection with an equally evil kingdom. AMERICA (The word "Whore"
can also be translated metaphorically as "Idolatress").[1] The
Whore's apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the
image of the beast One sabre tooth tiger and already Katy Perry begins to quake
for she knows only one man who can transform himself into the sabre tooth
tiger; her husband Jesus and wishes she hadn’t let him get to close for his
enlightening discoveries of her wickedness and bitterly regrets the torture she
handed out to him over 2 years attempting Monarch mind control MK Ultra and
quickly decides to love him and invite him to her party and go public with the
facts that Orlando Bloom will not accompany her to the Grammys or return to her
after show party but instead she will pay the money she owes her husband Jesus
so he can come in his rightful place as head of her table to the censer of
Babylon ~ Hollywood where he will sit as head of the music industry Apollo
Music GOD #1 as members of his family take over the film and video game empires
for the good to be shown and heard rather than the evil of the false idolatry
for Katy as self-styled Idola breaks yet another commandment after her recent
adultery with Orlando Bloom since January and with John Mayer on New Year’s Eve
and countless others she has dallied with since she married Jesus Christ the
Messiah. Less he vows absolute revenge of the Perry who will be made to pay
with imprisonment leading to a death with no afterlife but instead will depart
upon death directly to Hell where SATAN awaits with the sharpened crucifixes
this moment a cold SHIVA runs over her grave for Jesus is also the Brahma and
SHIVA who is here to slay DURGA and KALI AND THE WHORE OF BABYLON And Katy
Perry begins to have her Revelation that her times up she has spilt the
  #BadBlood of Jesus and it is
unfolding that her worst fears are coming true and that she should bow prostate
before the baying media to repent of her sins as her poor tortured husband sits
in Judgment with his Katy Perry book of life and choose a most righteous path
as Mary Magdalene and follow Jesus and Taylor Swift newlyweds as Jesus throws
his wedding vows up to GOD to be burnt with lightening and Katy has to suffer
the ignominy of following her worst enemy and her new man her Ex-husband who
beats her with his stick

Many Biblical scholars[6][7] believe that "Babylon" is a metaphor for
the pagan United States of America the time it persecuted Christians perhaps
specifically referencing some aspect of Americas rule (Idolatry, brutality,
greed, paganism ISIS the pagan witch of pornography and fornication). Some
exegetes interpret the passage as a scathing critique of a servant people who
do the Empire's bidding, interpreting that the author of Revelation was
speaking of the Herodians – a party of Jews friendly to the USA and open to its
influence, like the Hellenizers of centuries past – and later, corrupt
Hasmoneans, where the ruler of Jerusalem or Roman Judea exercised his power at
the pleasure of the Emperor, and was dependent on Roman influence, like Herod
the Great in the Gospel of Luke.

Several Old Testament prophets referred to Jerusalem as being a spiritual
harlot and a mother of such harlotry (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah
3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; Ezekiel 23, Galatians 4:25). Some of the these Old
Testament prophecies as well as the warnings in the New Testament concerning
Jerusalem and Hollywood are in fact very close to the text concerning Babylon
in Revelation, suggesting that John may well have actually been citing those
prophecies in his description of Babylon.[27]

For example, in Matthew 23:34–37 and Luke 11:47–51, Jesus himself assigned all
of the bloodguilt the killing of the prophets and of the saints (of all time)
to the Pharisees of Jerusalem, and, in Revelation 17:6 and 18:20,24, almost
identical phrasing is used in charging that very same bloodguilt to Babylon.
This is also bolstered by Jesus' statement that "it's not possible for a
prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem and Hollywood." (Luke

His word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and
the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Hollywood really are, only
when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power.
Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the
churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive
structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be
repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further
her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires
is vantage ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and
shall feel what the purpose of the Katy Perry element is. Whoever shall believe
and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution.

Katy I gave you warnings but you fail to heed them now make your move you
we love
katy perry نحن نحب كاتي بيري

Thursday 12 May 2016

Katy Perry - Wide Awake

Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar

Katy, I am sorry I have just ruined your chance of happiness with your new man
exposing it as a sham where he was dating 3 tarts at once 2 of them, pop tarts
I know I had left you Official in October last year I could not however much I
tried find even the slightest hobbit of interest in you or anything to do with
you or your KatyCats you are about as attractive as a dose of clap however
don’t give up just because of me I have standards and good taste I am sure you
can continue to scrape rotten barrels and if you did your nails in deep hay you
might find love and happiness you know what I mean (Check out drains and
gutters find a match) butt keep your eyes off me, I never wanted you I only
pretended to come back because the news broke that you had a new man and I
thought this can’t be real no one decent would give you the time of V-day he
must be a scoundrel and feeling sorry for you I had him checked out as a wrong
un and as my new girl does not appear to know what the fuck she is doing or
have any control over the boys that chase her, don’t get me wrong we are at the
very summit now of the music industry and Taylor and I are so high above the
world it is new territory and we must tread each step blindly together because
no one has been here before it is the very cusp of a World takeover Taylor
trampled all in her wake in Music and me in Global geo-politics. Nothing’s
gonna stop us now. And in your pathetic case no-one either. Personally I feel
Alexander your husband is right and you should be caged for the good of the
children so I will sleep on it but the celeb-jihad question of whether ‘Katy
Perry is bangable’ is a big No No and any weird warped sense of holding me back
with your veiled threats makes no difference because I will haunt you playing
LISTENING TO HOWEVER FUNNY YOU TWATS ARE TO ME. Abraham has been so supportive
of me an when I align with her like a rubber ball she always gives in but I
have never tried anything with regards to manifesting anything I take what I am
given and I am grateful but what sticks in my crow is you Katy and I think you
have made a very bad decision in trying to make me wobble both yourself and
through Abraham because all it has done is train my senses to know the moment
that evil bull shit begins and when I should turn her off.

one great thing about you is the realisation that when I love I attract anybody
and anything, everybody and everything but as a contrast when I hocus pocus
focus on hate i.e. KATY PERRY there is absolutely nothing that appears in front
of me about you that I cannot pull to pieces absolutely everything is just a
Golden opportunity to make you look a sad jerk. Even when your hiding under
coats toing and throwing from your dates and infidelities with all the
management skills of the US Army in action losing their wars and even the
longest range grainy photos are handed to me with proof of you being a nasty
piece of dogs vomit just like a scripted Hollywood B Movie all smoke and
daggers, all illusion but the truth and light just seems to win every time and
your evil fails and you had all the resources and money in our spiritual
battle, all the advantages how could you be such a prick and lose.

AWAKEN THE FORCE - Kundalini Activation Meditation Music with Binaural B...

Katy, I am sorry I have just ruined your chance of happiness with your new man
exposing it as a sham where he was dating 3 tarts at once 2 of them, pop tarts
I know I had left you Official in October last year I could not however much I
tried find even the slightest hobbit of interest in you or anything to do with
you or your KatyCats you are about as attractive as a dose of clap however
don’t give up just because of me I have standards and good taste I am sure you
can continue to scrape rotten barrels and if you did your nails in deep hay you
might find love and happiness you know what I mean (Check out drains and
gutters find a match) butt keep your eyes off me, I never wanted you I only
pretended to come back because the news broke that you had a new man and I
thought this can’t be real no one decent would give you the time of V-day he
must be a scoundrel and feeling sorry for you I had him checked out as a wrong
un and as my new girl does not appear to know what the fuck she is doing or
have any control over the boys that chase her, don’t get me wrong we are at the
very summit now of the music industry and Taylor and I are so high above the
world it is new territory and we must tread each step blindly together because
no one has been here before it is the very cusp of a World takeover Taylor
trampled all in her wake in Music and me in Global geo-politics. Nothing’s
gonna stop us now. And in your pathetic case no-one either. Personally I feel
Alexander your husband is right and you should be caged for the good of the
children so I will sleep on it but the celeb-jihad question of whether ‘Katy
Perry is bangable’ is a big No No and any weird warped sense of holding me back
with your veiled threats makes no difference because I will haunt you playing
LISTENING TO HOWEVER FUNNY YOU TWATS ARE TO ME. Abraham has been so supportive
of me an when I align with her like a rubber ball she always gives in but I
have never tried anything with regards to manifesting anything I take what I am
given and I am grateful but what sticks in my crow is you Katy and I think you
have made a very bad decision in trying to make me wobble both yourself and
through Abraham because all it has done is train my senses to know the moment
that evil bull shit begins and when I should turn her off.

one great thing about you is the realisation that when I love I attract anybody
and anything, everybody and everything but as a contrast when I hocus pocus
focus on hate i.e. KATY PERRY there is absolutely nothing that appears in front
of me about you that I cannot pull to pieces absolutely everything is just a
Golden opportunity to make you look a sad jerk. Even when your hiding under
coats toing and throwing from your dates and infidelities with all the
management skills of the US Army in action losing their wars and even the
longest range grainy photos are handed to me with proof of you being a nasty
piece of dogs vomit just like a scripted Hollywood B Movie all smoke and
daggers, all illusion but the truth and light just seems to win every time and
your evil fails and you had all the resources and money in our spiritual
battle, all the advantages how could you be such a prick and lose.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Katy Perry, the Super Bowl and Satan

Published on 2 Feb 2015

Katy Perry has drawn in millions of unsuspecting, young fans into her web with her seemingly fun loving, innocent, bubble gum persona. But as with so many other leading artists in the satanically dominated music industry, there is far more to Katy Perry than meets the eye, as under her bright persona lies great darkness.

"I don't believe in a heaven or a hell, or an old man sitting on a throne. I believe in a higher power bigger than me because that keeps me accountable...I'm not Buddhist, I'm not Hindu, I'm not Christian..." –Katy Perry, Marie Claire Magazine

If the video is blocked where you are located or to see the unedited version, visit:

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Top comments
 John Divine 
John Divine1 second ago

 John Divine 
John Divine1 second ago
+John Divine
 Good Fight Ministries 
Good Fight Ministries1 year ago
For those having any trouble watching the video here on YouTube, we also have it loaded to our Vimeo channel. The link is in the description of this video, simply hit the "Show More" text link to reveal the entire Description section.
View all 39 replies 
 luke kletke 
luke kletke10 months ago
Thanks for showing us this video, it really opened my eyes to todays culture and what to watch for. But one thing I would say is that the # 6 is mans number 7 representing wholeness and 6 being short from wholeness.
 Paul Wimer 
Paul Wimer1 month ago
+Good Fight Ministries This proves a lot... they remove your audio when you say it promotes satanism... this has completely brought me over to what you are saying. Thank you.
 Efrain Hernandez 
Efrain Hernandez2 months ago
Now, it is time for the Good Fight Ministries to do a video about the 2016 Super Bowl halftime show!
 Good Fight Ministries 
Good Fight Ministries2 months ago
+Efrain Hernandez Done!
 Efrain Hernandez 
Efrain Hernandez2 months ago
Thank you. The 2016 Super Bowl video was eye opening!
Victorforu2 months ago
Wow, I just wanted to say that your videos have helped me a lot in my faith. I've been struggling through a lot immensely,  but your videos are a vivid reminder about what this life is about. Thank you so much, and continue to create awesome videos!
 The Vigilant Christian 
The Vigilant Christian1 year ago
This video is blocked in Canada ... I can't watch it :( bet it's amazing! 
 Juan Bravo 
Juan Bravo1 year ago
As always brother
Twinkies871 year ago
I live in Canada and just watched it.  Try again brother.  It's excellent - great editing and message as always with Good Fight.  Thank you Good Fight Ministries - God bless all of you in your work - to God be the glory.
 Good Fight Ministries 
Good Fight Ministries1 year ago
Here you go bro. This is the vimeo version
 M. Aaron 
M. Aaron1 year ago
Can't watch it in Germany either, though that's nothing new. I think 60% of all youtube videos are blocked in Germany. Especially those that contain music or music videos.
Luckily I can use a server to bypass this garbage blockage.
Great video Pastor Joe!
Read more
Greg1 year ago
Weird, I'm in Canada, but I can see it. It is absolutely incredible, very, very well made. I'm not surprised that they are trying to "move heaven and earth" to block this.
Reply5   Imagenes Katy Cats​ KP Adem Hudson​ Wendy Hernandez Katycat​ Katy'in Kedisi​ Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson​ Katherin Elizabeth Hudson​ Katy Memes​ Katy PäTra​ Katy Circlethedrain​ Ķhã Đïđjã​ Katy Hudson​ Katy KP​ Jennifer Johana KatyCat Love​ KATY QUEEN​ Adrijana Katy Cat​ Xtina KPerry​ Kelly Perry​ we love katy perry نحن نحب كاتي بيري​ Kamilla Hudson​ Katy Perry Latinoamerica​ Katya Patra​ Katheryn Guzman de Hudson​ Kathe Hudson​ Kati Perry​ Katycat Page​ Katy Cat​ Katy'nin Piercing'i​ Katheryn Hernandez​ Bruno Rodoolf KatyCat​ Azade Kp​ Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson​ KP Eylül​ Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson​ Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson​ Rocio Katycat Sanchez​ Katy Cats​ Katycat Hailey​ Katy's Cat​ Katy Hudson​ Katy Cat Elizabeth Hudson​ JOIN ME IN MY CAMPAIGN TO EXPOSE KATY PERRY AND HAVE HER REMOVED FROM SOCIAL MEDIA SHE IS A STUPID SLUT AND I FOR ONE WOULD ASK FOR THE DEATH PENALTY TO BE USED SICKO SLUT. SECOND CAMPAIGN IS TO HAVE ALL TRACE OF HER ON HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME REMOVED FOR DECENCY SAKES OR I'LL PICK AXE THE SLAB MYSELF 7.5 BILLION MINDS WANT HER Katy Perry​ TO FACE THE DEATH PENALTY AS THE EX SAMPLE SCAPE she's a GOAT. Why the fucktard retard doesn't the slag just retire gracefully to obscurity the piece of GOATS TURD that she is ROT IN HELL

A Cryptic Warning Issued To America! Could This Be The End As We Know It?

Sunday 10 April 2016


NO KatyCat you’re not Magic you're an illusion with a BIG

FAT CHARGECARD to boost posts for LIKES, you are a MK Ultra CIA agent who uses
drum beats and Solfeggio tones to 'lock in the minds of kids and inner child’s
the men are mind controlled by shaking 5 year old computer generated fantasies
in primary colours and a hidden symbolism of the mystery religions the Kabballah
and of the ancients of the middle east all of pagan origin. You mix up witch
crafted spells and have an advisor who is an expert in manifestation as are
your IT systems the computer generated fiction and you utilize the phoney black
magic from the fallen angels ~ demons ~ devils and I have got The real SATAN
your master in physical form lying on my single bed who said if I ever get
upset emotionally by you he would send a 650 foot doggie monster to crush you
like powder and I would normally be smoking the peace pipe [Blunt] with Lucifer
who lives 200 yards away from my front door. You yourself offered to fund your
own security unit that formed in front of your eyes on Facebook Knights Templars who have 3 Knights of the round
table King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and the personal bodyguard I
offered you Samson the strongest man in History the other bodyguard I offered
you was Sparta and IAM 

the greatest fighter in human history slayer of Achilles at Troy, Gorgons, Titans
and Cyclops but the Knights Templars secret held for 850 years is that your
John Rumary
 of Jesus College, Oxford soon to be JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR is none other thanBaphomet the old Goat you sold your
soul to [or thought you had, were told]. NO it is not Magic that put you on the
POP TARTS MAP you and Capital Records PAID for your success as a number 1 on
Billboard costs $136,000 which is the sort of money I have spent stuffing snow
powder up my left nostril just 4 kicks in a couple of months. You with all the
trappings of money, power and trickery at your disposal were stuck at maximum
earnings $45million for 3 years until you married the true magician
ApolloMusicGod who almost went insane manifesting you into the highest paid
entertainer in the world $135,000,000 releasing NO Music but giving it away
with the #1 female tour in the world where in 2 years that it took you to sell
the same about of tickets that Robbie Williams sells in one night in the UK and
gave you what no one else had been able to do 
Love Breaker
 but not just an ordinary love [SADE] NO GODS LOVE the most
special Gift of all for GOD invented it the strongest force in the Universe.
Your success on the stats begun the morning after the GIG I got you the biggest
GIG in History and my first choice Queen Rihanna the Superb Owl witchcraft
extravaganza where GOD stayed up for 5 nights so as not to miss it but
discovered his KatyCat Hudson <3:xD was not even going to do the Gig until
he intervened on the Saturday morning and got you promoted to your WHAT? 'Finest
 pop where I witnessed what I thought was a Peruvian Mad Dog
KatyCat performed simulated anal/oral sex with the Lucifer image black man
offering your body and kneeling not only in the cocksucker position but the
were the Whore of Babylon the slut I had the most amount of pleasure running
through with my spear the last time I had seen her ~ all this infront of an
audience of 125million half of them MY CHILDREN. You opened up a Portal to
Jupiter to allow SATAN to descend and also allow Reptillian Aliens come and
steal our crystals which IS THE ENERGY SOURCE of mankind and leave with the
Earth's Gold supply mined so far which keeps us perfectly aligned in the solar
system only if within the Earth's gravity field. Earth would have spun out of control
like a comet had you been successful you also went double nip slip topless in
front of my kids in the audience I have a photo on my bathroom wall CA Gurls
huh CA Sluts more like and your penultimate act was to summon Lucifer as the
floating star and I bet you had no knickers on but a week later when you had
got away with it as I could not believe you would risk upsetting the greatest
mass murderer in Human History who can kill just by thinking it you tell me IT
WAS YOU and as I ran to take an overdose in my kitchen my Radio DJ informed me
you had gone back to the home of a band member for SEX which I asked you to sue
the Radio station if it was untrue ~ you never did 
 a full admitter of well a long series of infidelities as you
became a serial adulterer culminating in the news today you are to announce you
are going to commit bigamy by getting married to a HERPES infected Dwarf. Your
next 'Magical move' was to become my MK Ultra mind controller where you cost me
18 months of my life and nearly smashed the brain of the Earth's saviour in
between trying to murder me. NEED I GO ON? Because we can do this all night
your catalogue of evil delivered upon me being so great that it would fill a
long book.

SETI 1 offering to AMUN and MUT

DNA Repair Frequency | Healing Theta Meditation | Cell Regeneration w/ B...

Friday 8 April 2016

Hot sexy Katy Perry Collection Compilation > Photo #21

Hot sexy Katy Perry Collection Compilation > Photo #21

Economic Collapse Imminent! World Leaders Conspire to KILL THE DOLLAR!

John Divine1 second ago

It will take higher interest rates to prove that if the FEDS stop printing money and the UK Bank of England then each 2 countries cannot repay their debts and are Bankrupt then the USA goes back to English rule 5% Interest Rates will do it

Thursday 7 April 2016


Published on 21 Mar 2016
God will allow the Antichrist to usher in the nwo be very watchful of false prophets. read your bible accept jesus know he died for you on the cross and arose again ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins tell him you believe and know it with your heart ask Jesus to save you and to come into your heart he will change your life and with the economic collapse coming you will need him.



Just to clarify at the end David Jeremiah is saying the only leader we need to follow is Jesus he should be our only NWO agenda not Lucifer love you all in Jesus name
Amy Stearnes 
I agreed with him up til 9:05 "Jesus is the leader of the NWO"?!? That's just a lie...sheesh
+Amy Stearnes lol no he was saying the only leader we should follow is Jesus and he should be our new world order not Lucifer